Projects Accomplished


Data and Applications

January 2023

To check effect of different atmospheric gases like SOx, COx, NOx, Benzene on the solar panel power generation, in this we are taking the value of atmospheric gases using the sensors in ppm. On the bases of correlation between gases and power generated, and by setting a threshold value we are predicting that at a particular location what will be effect of gases and how much power drop we might experience in that region. We have applied Machine Learning algorithms like naïve bayes, SVM, decision tree to get the prediction.

See Project

Mental Wellness - Mind Matters

Reserch and web development

July 2022

Because many individuals are still unaware of mental health issues and are afraid to address them, we conducted study on how to comprehend people who are suffering from depression and anxiety and provide them with the necessary medical care. We created a solution to raise awareness about depression and provide adequate care and therapy through our recommended psychologists.

See Project

Job Portal

Web Development

March 2023

Implemented a Job portal where people form different backgrounds can apply for the job We are going to create a web application wherein there will be two main actors - User/Applicant and the Company. These were the implementation features: The applicant can access the following features - Apply for Jobs, Search for Jobs, Create Resumes, Access Vocational Courses, Bid Points for a Job, Submit Grievances (if any). The Company can access the following features - Post Job Openings, View and Track Applicants and their Profiles/Resume, Chat with Applicants.

See Project

Departmental Library

Cloud Development

July 2022

In this project we have integrated the whole offline library experience into online, where the college students of the department can view and refer to books and also the notes that are uploaded by the best teachers in the department.

See Project

Healthy Kids Repository

Data Analysis

November 2021

It is a website for storing and accessing the kids vaccination and birth records which are often required by the doctors.

See Project


AI & Machine Learning

June 2020

This project uses logistic regression to predict the susceptibility of a patient to heart disease based on the symptoms that are shown. It was build on Google Colab Notebook using TensorFlow, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Scikit-Learn.


Web Development

September 2020

This website is a Twitter clone, where users can create an account and create, delete, and share tweets. It’s created using React, Redux, MongoDB, and Node.js


Cloud Development

August 2020

This application, which is deployed in the cloud, allows creating/removing/updating/ fetching projects that a university student has to complete before a given deadline. Each project can optionally have an attachment image. Each user only has access to the projects that he/she has added. It uses DynamoDB to store the information.